Monday, August 9, 2010

First appointment

Went to Saad Specialist Hospital in Al-Khobar and consulted with Dr Essam Helal who is one of the bariatric specialists.

Dr went through my history asking untold questions and then discussed available options. Recommended the Roux en Y (which is the one I was considering anyway) and discussed and explained how the procedure is done and what to expect after.

Chief consultant for the department joined the consultation and went through some of the steps for the procedure and confirmed recommendation for the Roux en Y.

Have been asked to go for some blood tests, urine and stool tests, chest x-ray and see a pulmonologist (I smoke loads), abdominal scan and to come and see him again once all tests are done.

Costs for the procedure are normally (Saudi Riyals) SR40,000 but there is currently a special going for Ramadan where there will be a 20% discount. Costs do not include specialist consultations and other tests for the specialists but hopefully those will not be too high. I will try and update the blog as I go with the costs incurred and give some exchange prices.

Before leaving went and did the blood tests so those are out of the way. Will phone tomorrow to arrange appointments for the scan and x-ray and the pulmonologist.

Bariatric Specialist - SR125 (Australian $38, American $34, South African R243)

Various Blood tests - SR995 (Australian $297, American $266, South African R1,935)

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